News list for " sfisf"

1. China Clearing: Implement preferential measures to halve the registration fee for all securities pledges involving SFISF. 2. Experts: central bank or...

1. China Clearing: Implement preferential measures to halve the registration fee for all securities pledges involving SFISF. 2. Experts: The central bank may continue to carry out large-scale buyout reverse repos, and MLF will continue to shrink and renew. 3. The Ministry of Finance will issue 18 government bonds in Quarter 1, 2025. The earliest invite tenders date is January 10. 4. 2024 for bond funds: 99% achieve positive returns, and the scale of bond ETFs doubles. 5. China Taiping successful...

2025-01-02 08:33:30
1. 中国结算:对所有涉及SFISF的证券质押登记费实施减半收取的优惠措施。2. 专家:央行或...

1. 中国结算:对所有涉及SFISF的证券质押登记费实施减半收取的优惠措施。2. 专家:央行或持续开展较大规模买断式逆回购,MLF也将持续缩量续作。3. 财政部2025年第一季度将发行18只国债最早招标日期为1月10日。4. 债券型基金的2024年:99%实现正收益,债券型ETF规模翻倍。5. 中国太平在香港成功发行亚洲首支双风险、双触发机制巨灾债券。6. 中金:当前国债利率对降息预期计入已较充分。7. 中国船舶租赁据悉考虑发行两期美元债,总额不超过6亿美元。8. 2024年基本面弱修复,“资产荒”延续推动债市利率震荡下行。9. 首批8只“绩优”债券ETF获批,公募称:2025年发行第一“卷”来了。10. 机构预测2025年政金债净融资触及2.6万亿,对市场流动性影响或有限。11. 2024年险企发债规模创新高,业内:来年发债规模或超千亿元。

2025-01-02 08:33:30